Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Women's Pages or Not?

My Gender and News class (JR418) today discusses the history of women in news, and one of the topics that comes up is whether newspapers should have women's pages or not. I found this excellent article by Sarah Jaffe, titled "From Women's Page to Style Section," in which the author lays out the dilemma. On the one hand, women's pages give us a place to write stories about women and issues important to women. On the other hand, why should these stories be relegated to women's pages? Are they not interesting to everyone? Is this a form of gender apartheid? I am curious to hear what my students think.

1 comment:

Kerry Schultz said...

you are going really good to have a portion of perception reserved for other opinions. and it is really productive to put forward the topic in from of your students. this is how they learn