Thursday, June 01, 2023

ICA Reflections

I just returned from the International Communication Association's conference in Toronto, where I participated in a panel on undergraduate student research. It was busy! I was excited to attend a pre-conference titled "Media and Communication Studies in a Global Context: A Critical History." That was a perfect way of starting out the conference by thinking about the global south, coloniality, intersectionality, and power differences. I then attended numerous panels, especially those on women and news in a global context.

One paper that stood out to me was "Exploring Feminist Pedagogy" by Adrienne Wallace, Regina Luttrell, and Christopher McCollough. This is something I want to think about more and implement in my classes.

I also networked in the hallways of the conference hotel and visited the exhibition hall, where I picked up a copy of Daniela Dimitrova's edited book on "Global Journalism" and learned about a new book, titled "Gender and Journalism: An Intersectional Approach," by Mary Angela Bock, which will be available by the end of this year. Overall a very productive conference and looking forward to next year's conference in Australia. 

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